Contact Icon Tutorial for iPhone

In a blatant attempt to compete with Craig for the virtual linking affections of John Gruber, I am pleased to present the Contact Icon Tutorial for iPhone. This short video shows off a quick way that you can make use of desktop icons on your new iPhone with a little help from Pixadex and the groovy new Dine-O-Matic icon set from the IF workers.

If you don’t know what Dine-O-Matic is, head on over to the widget’s home page to learn all about this fun, free Dashboard widget for the Mac. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled in the days ahead for version 2.0 that incorporates some exciting new, and heavily requested features, coming soon to a factory near you. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Kate reminds me that this process will work in conjunction with any Apple phone that can be synced with Address Book, not just the iPhone. Thanks Kate, I was temporarily blinded by my iPhone’s sheer coolness. 🙂


  1. “UPDATE: Kate reminds me that this process will work in conjunction with any Apple phone that can be synced with Address Book, not just the iPhone. Thanks Kate, I was temporarily blinded by my iPhone’s sheer coolness. :-)”

    Is there another Apple phone that I’m unaware of?

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