“Elections have consequences.”

I for one am glad to see Congress finally taking an active role in its Constitutional duty to both enforce checks and balances as well as potential criminal activity. For the past 6 years, the country has turned a blind eye as the GOP in the House and Senate has rubber stamped everything Bush has done, said or asked for.

No longer, and it feels like a breath of fresh air.

Today’s exchange between Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), Al Gore and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) is a perfect example of why Americans voted for change this past November. The reaction in the room speaks volumes as does Gore’s quiet resolve to state his side of the story despite the seething and loathing that Inhofe has for him. Go watch it.


  1. Oh my, what a complete [bleep] this Sen. Inhofe is. He makes me angry! Clicked a bit more “into him” and he seems to deny evolution, too. Aha. Still don’t understand how these people could take over the US of A. So glad this seems to come to an end finally!

  2. Yeah, I have to agree with you on this Wolfgang. I’d like to make a humble plea with the good folks of Oklahoma to please, PLEASE kick this guy out of office next time he’s up. He’s not helping Oklahoma and he certainly is not helping the country.

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